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Gallows-road_20917_thumbFast-paced it isn’t but hard hitting – yes it could very be.  Depending of course on where you are at with the Lord and on how much you are willing to listen to and reflect on it’s message.

That’s not to say that this film does not contain any intense or dramatic scenes or indeed any distressing moments.  For certainly it has both and yes there is certainly violence within this movie.  And yet, for those of us who are let’s say softer-hearted and who would, like me, prefer a much quieter more ‘feel-good’ kind film, it is – at least in the opinion of this writer – important for us to remember that life isn’t always ‘feel-good’.

Recognising that racial prejudice still exists in this world today, the film is set in a small town in Texas and stars such names as Kevin Sorbo and Ernie Hudson and Bill McAdams Jr – who also directed the film and who along with the help of Grace McAdams – whom I think is his mother – also wrote it).  And thus the acting is generally first class.  But I would recommend that you also look out for the younger ‘potentially up-coming’ stars of this film. These, in my opinion, being: Megan Dalby as Puck Knight (Megan is also known for ‘Proud Souls’ and ‘Awkward’) and Isaac Smth as Bay Collins (Isaac also being known for ‘Kidding With Gloria Campos’ and ‘Friday Night Lights’.

GALOWRAD_2  ‘Imdb.com‘ writes of this movie’s storyline(s)…

Loss and heartbreak challenges one man to forgive the unforgivable.

And yes that is certainly true of this film and yet it is so much more and as the poster (featured 1st above) and the film sleeve/cover asks…

God forgives.  Will you?”

And there within lies the pivotal question and message of this film.  Forgiveness. But not only God’s – although that is of course essential – but ours of others and yes of ourselves, especially in accepting God’s forgiveness.

This film does, as I mentioned before, contain intense or dramatic scenes, and distressing moments.  Additionally there is certainly violence within this movie – including a child being smacked in the mouth by a parent, and also some murders. They are however, in the opinion of this writer, intrinsic to the plot and delicately dealt with. But please note that they are there.

To say that I personally ‘enjoyed’ this movie would be in fact be untrue.  Not that I disliked it at all.  It held my attention and I din’t regret watching it.  But certainly it did not captivate me in any way.

The acting was (in the main) first rate and the storyline plausible.  And let us be objective here. The Lord has many tools in His tool box as each tool serves a different purpose.  And what may not speak to or inspire me could very well speak to or inspire you.  Did it move me at times? Well yes, once or twice it did – but then I can be a big old softy at times. (Don’t tell any one I said so though.)  And I simply have to mention and recognize that there is some excellent solo singing in this movie.

In truth, although this movie was the winner of 2015 International Christian Film Festival, I personally cannot recommend this film/movie.  But I can say that it is one you probably won’t and certainly shouldn’t regret watching.  Oh and one last thing/heads up. If you are the kind of person who likes everything neatly packaged – with good people being prospering and all the ‘baddies’ getting their comeuppance in this life, well you are probably going to be disappointed with aspects of both this film and indeed life – this side of heaven that is 🙂

Title:              Gallows Road

Written By:   Bill McAdams Jr, Grace McAdams

Directed By:  Bill McAdams Jr

Starring:       Kevin Sorbo and Ernie Hudson and Bill McAdams Jr, plus Megan Dalby and Isaac Smith

Genre: Drama, Christian

Released: August 5th 2015 (USA)

Runtime: 104 mins

Age Rating: NR

Violence: Yes but not gratuitous

Controversial Language: Little

Nudity and/or Sexual Content: None

Potentially Disturbing Scenes: Limited.

For Faith and Ful-film-ent Rating: 6/10 ††††††††††

You can also check out the Official Music Video also featuring Bill McAdams Jr.