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I think that you can easily be forgiven if – having seen the title of this film – you expected something entirely different than what you got when viewing this film.

Although I can’t help but wonder if the fact that I personally expected something entirely different isn’t some sort of wake up call to just how influenced by the ‘world’ I have become over the years.  

To the point where my first thought – even though I knew this was a Christian film – was to expect a film about the application of faith amidst some panic stricken major threat set in some military silo or high-command somewhere. (Somewhere like that shown in this image – not taken from the film)

But in fact the ‘War Room’ in question – much like this film, is nothing as grand or as dramatic and any ‘explosions’ that are seen within this film tend to be of the domestic variety and certainly not military.

War-Room-TableIn truth I am not sure how to review or comment on this particular film/movie. That is to say that I am not sure if I should give it a good review or a less favourable one.  And that in itself, I think, speaks into the very heart of this film.

It is an excellent subject – the fact that we are all – whether knowingly or not, whether willingly or not, whether deliberately or not – involved in spiritual warfare and the very clear message that we as Christians should be much more aware of this and much more prayerful about things.  But I just can’t bring myself to conclude that this film has made that point in a powerful enough way, or in a way which relates enough.

Coming (as posters inform us) from the creators of Fireproof and Courageous

Screen-Shot-2015-08-28-at-2.12.03-PM-640x480this film makes the clear and very true proclamation that

Prayer Is A Powerful Weapon.

And you’ll get no argument from me there.  I am just not convinced that this film is very powerful in its presentation or storyline.

The acting in this film/movie is ok.  Character portrayals are both good and believable.  But, if I am honest, no one actor or actress (Hm. is actress still ‘pc’ a term I wonder) leaps out as being notable or delivering a superb performance.  And in the same spirit of honesty I have to say that, for me personally, no one character leapt out as being notable either.

That is not to say that the story lines or sub plots weren’t relevant because they most certainly are.

Is this a film/movie worth watching?  Yes I think it most certainly is. And I also – in the spirit of fairness – have to wonder if some of this film’s appeal was lessened as a result of cultural differences.


The issues of course cross cultures and are applicable for Christians the world over.  How worldliness and the pressures of modern day living, how temptation and dishonesty and indeed greed can wreck relationships.  And how prayer and indeed – personal and honest and open reflection of our ‘selves’ and our own walks measured against the word or God and our subsequently getting ourselves right with God before we seek to get those around us right with God also apply to us all.

So yes this film/movie does have clear and positive messages and yes this film/movie is – in the opinion of this writer – still worth watching.But is it engaging enough to make it memorable or something you will rush out to tell the rest of your church group about?  I am just not convinced.  And is it a film/movie which will engage and retain the attention of a youth group?  Again, sadly, I am just not so sure.

But with all the above having been said, I still enjoyed the film and – in a world where so many Christian leaders within the public arena seem – again in the opinion of this writer – more interested in that public arena than anything else I wholeheartedly was blessed by the films central theme and I reminded of the following scripture.

And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. (Matthew 5:5-6 NKJV)

Do I therefore recommend this film/movie to you?  Yes, on reflection I think I still do – despite my observations above.

Title:              War Room

Written By:   Alex Kendrick, Stephen Kendrick

Directed By: Alex Kendrick,

Starring:       Priscilla C. Shirer, T. C. Stallings, Karen Abercrombie

Genre: Christian, Drama

Runtime: 120 mins

Age Rating: PG

Violence: Next to None

Controversial Language: None

Nudity and/or Sexual Content: None

Potentially Disturbing Scenes: None

For Faith and Ful-film-ent Rating: 6/10 ††††††††††